Digital content creation
Presentation and slide kits
E - learning modules
Sales kits / sales aids
Brochure / layout design
Conference media backdrop

We service clients across a broad array of industries, from medical marketing and communication to educational organizations, from biotech companies to medical device companies and more.
Our visual designs aim to communicate product messaging and awareness with simplicity and clarity. We provide high quality visuals to our clients on time and within budget. We remain closely in touch with the clients throughout the project's production process. Our customized deliverables range from single page medical illustrations to compelling medical animations.
With over a decade of experience, our talented and multi-disciplined team is committed to your satisfaction with expertise in a wide range of deliverables.
Mechanism of action
Mechanism of disease
3d stereoscopic animation
Virtual Reality (VR)
Augmented Reality (AR)
Banner ads and posters
Illustrations and print